A free Cafe Press shop is one of the easiest ways to build an extra income online. With
a few images and half an hour, you can be making money by the time you go to bed tonight.
You may want to print out this series of articles, to follow as you set up your first Cafe Press shop.
Open a free Cafe Press account
The first thing to do is to set up a free account at Cafe Press. There are no set-up fees,
no printing expenses… You need nothing more than an image to use on your designs. If you are an artist or a photographer, you already have images to use. Just upload them to your personal image basket at Cafe Press, and you’re all set!
After choosing a username and password, you’ll be ready to open your own Cafe Press shop, for free.Next, select a shop name
Choose a name that’s easy to remember. Use your own name if you like! Later, you can upgrade from a free shop to a Premium shop with the same shop name. We’ll talk about Premium shops in another article. When you’re starting out, I recommend creating a free shop while you see how Cafe Press works.
You can have as many free shops as you likeYou can have more than one free shop, with just one Cafe Press account (username/password).
So, if you want a shop that features photos of your dog or cat, you can have one with just
those images. You can open a second shop that features photos or drawings of your goldfish.
And so on.
The only restriction on a free shop is this: Your shop can feature different designs on different tee-shirts, but you can’t select just one product design–say, a Jr. Hoodie–and offer it with a variety of different designs in one shop.
In my Premium shop, I can select one product–like a bumpersticker–and offer it with
several different designs.
Choose your first image
If you have an image or photo that you’ve already created, you can put it on a Cafe Press product. Or, if you have a copyright-free images (such as the ones on my image CDs), you can use any of them on your Cafe Press products, too.
You may want to mix an image and a clever quotation or slogan, or the name of your business. (The first Cafe Press product I ever saw was owned by my son. It was a baseball cap with the name of his favorite website.)
When you’re designing the images that you’ll put on your Cafe Press items, you may want
to use the templates that Cafe Press provides. If you’re designing a wall clock, this can be handy.
Or, you might prefer to know the precise dimensions of each product, so that you can create a graphic to fit it exactly. These sizes (and links to templates) are listed at http://www.cafepress.com/cp/info/help/help_image_sizes.aspx.
Remember to make your graphic at least 100 pixels/inch, and preferably about 300 pixels/inch.
Cafe Press provides some helpful information about images in their Help pages, if you want
more guidance. (Personally, I try to make images that are at least 150 pixels/inch, and I
upload them as PNGs or JPGs.)
Once you’ve created an image that you’d like to use on Cafe Press products, upload it
into your Media Basket (listed under “Sell Online”).
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