Sunday, July 6, 2008

NUFFNANG Happy-O-Meter

Dear Nuffnangers,

We people at Nuffnang never sit still on our chairs, always thinking of ways to make advertising more exciting for our advertisers; and you, our bloggers.

Courtesy of the nice people at Happy, we're proud to introduce the new Happy-O-Meter, which allows you to display how happy or unhappy you are. Not only does it display your current mood, but also displays a historical average of your moods, thus allowing people to find out if you're a happy or sad person. Time to roll in the Happy faces.!

With the Happy O Meter, you can also update your status message to tell people why you're feeling that way. Be it a simple shout out on how great your day is, or a little message to someone special who would be visiting your blog.

You can also change the colours of the Happy O Meter to suit your blog's theme.

To use the Happy-O-Meter, just login into your Nuffnang account and head on to

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